08 9299 6725
Sustainability Focus at Treetops

Sustainability Focus at Treetops

At Treetops, environmental awareness and sustainable practices are carried all the way through our students’ education. Forming these values early in our students’ learning journeys supports them to become more environmentally responsible, and encourages the...
What Happens at Treetops?

What Happens at Treetops?

There has been a school at 12 Beenong Road for 50 years now.  At the beginning of its history the school was very alternative – students determining how their day would be spent, with ‘ministers’ responsible for the various aspects of the education and decisions made...
Peace at Treetops

Peace at Treetops

Maria Montessori lived and worked during the time that the dropping of the first nuclear bomb forced the inhabitants of our world to collectively face, at the same time, their own mortality in becoming aware that we now have the technology that can be used to destroy...